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Info Of Opened Upwards Access Journal: Revue Des Études Tardo-Antiques (Ret)

[First posted inwards spataculartreasures fifteen Jan 2017, updated nineteen Dec 2019]

Revue des Études Tardo-antiques (RET)
ISSN: 2115-8266
La « Revue des Études Tardo-antiques », fondée par l’association « Textes pour l’Histoire de l’Antiquité Tardive » (THAT) et placée sous boy patronage, a l’ambition d’être une revue scientifique internationale de référence dans le domaine de l’Antiquité tardive, de ses sources et de ses prolongements. Elle permet aux chercheurs de publier et de faire reconnaître leurs travaux sur les textes antiques (éditions, traductions, analyses, confrontations) dans une perspective historique, qu’il s’agisse de l’histoire proprement dite ou de l’histoire littéraire, rhétorique, religieuse, des idées, du droit, de la tradition manuscrite, de leur fortune et de leur réception. Dotée d’un comité scientifique international comptant des personnalités du monde de la recherche sur l’Antiquité tardive et d’un comité de lecture permanent auquel, pour chaque suggestion d’article, les experts les mieux qualifiés sont sollicités d’apporter leur concours, la « Revue des Études Tardo-antiques » fournit aux auteurs et aux lecteurs la garantie d’une haute qualité scientifique.
Free to individuals later registration 

Sommaire RET 7 (2017-2018)

NB : Pour lire l’intégralité des articles, voir ci-contre la rubrique Téléchargements.


Un ‘nuovo’ testimone di De magia e Florida di Apuleio. Il cod. Sloane 2586 della British Library – p. 1-10. 
Abstract: The MS Sloane 2586 of the British Library (= S1), containing Apuleius’ De magia (Apologia) too Florida, previously known but never studied, is for the firstly time extensively analysed, peculiarly equally to advert its grade inwards the stemma codicum. After a careful collation, nosotros tin give the sack exclude its derivation from the Vaticanus Urbinas 199 and the Leidensis Oudendorpianus 34 (Dorvillianus), the ii MSS which part extrinsic aspects amongst S1 (I advert essentially to the presence of Latin translations of Greek passages). Vice versa, the Sloane 2586 reveals a strict connectedness amongst the MSS of the I class, too fifty-fifty to a greater extent than amongst the editio princeps past times G.A. Bussi (Romae 1469), since Robertson considered equally a witness of the best identify unit of measurement of MSS. If S1 does non appear of bang-up value for the constitutio textus, nosotros tin give the sack in conclusion laid upwards it inwards its identify inwards the transmission of De magia too Florida: the identify of a Druckapographon.
Tertullien décurion de Carthage ? – p. 11-28.
Abstract : In Apologetic, Tertullian explains he doesn’t consume lying downwardly during the feasts of Liber inwards Carthage. This hint seems to dot that he had the correct to produce it. Eating lying downwardly was a prerogative for town councilors inwards colonies too municipia, equally two excerpts of the lex Flavia, occidental inscriptions too iconography attest. The upshot is that Tertullian was in all likelihood town councilors of Carthage. It brings the question of his participation to world meals during religious feasts too the tolerance whose he enjoyed inside the municipal council of Carthage.
La luna (piena?) e la decomposizione della carne. Nota a Pseudo-Alessandro di Afrodisia, Probl. I, 66 Ideler  – p. 29-46.
Résumé : L’article porte sur un des Problèmes faussement attribués à Alexandre d’Aphrodise (I, 66 Ideler), qui s’interroge sur les causes de l’action putréfiante des rayons de la lune : une inquiry longuement débattue dans l’Antiquité, pour laquelle le Pseudo-Alexandre suggest une solution semblable à celle avancée par Galien et Macrobe. On donne ici une nouvelle édition du problème, basée sur seize manuscrits.
Un nuevo códice de medicina del período presalernitano: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 7730 (s. IX)  – p. 47-62.
Abstract : Several belatedly antique medical texts are identified for the firstly fourth dimension inwards the ninth century manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7730. This manuscript had non been included upwards to appointment inwards prominent catalogues of early medieval medical manuscripts similar those past times Diels, Beccaria, too Wickersheimer. Concerning Galen’s Ad Glauconem, the article firstly describes to what extent the text of the Paris manuscript corresponds to the 1 of Montecassino, Biblioteca dell’Abbazia, 97, too thus describes how it too corresponds to the firstly mass of the editio princeps past times Bonardo.
« De dei iudicio qui episcopum fecit » : les élections épiscopales en Afrique du IIIème au Vème siècle – p. 63-93.
Abstract : Since the outset of Christianity, the recruitment of the episcopal body has given ascension to many taboos too has many obstacles; the restrictions are both religious too civil too the legislation of the laity complements the minimum expected past times the bishops. The selection of the candidate is hard to define because it is non e'er tardily to link to the canonical theory a practical reality. Several factors are taken into concern human relationship inwards the selection of the candidate: beyond the legal obligations, one expects of the moral virtues whose normative sources produce non say anything. After studying the African texts addressing the effect of episcopal election, nosotros will attempt to honor the theoretical system of the acts of recruitment to the episcopate: the selection of the candidate, his appointment too his consecration. In particular, one has to wonder well-nigh his previous career, which does non necessarily follow the ecclesiastical or monastic path. The report of the motivations of the candidates is impossible because they tin give the sack non hold upwards evaluated past times sources which limit them to a divine revelation.
Il commentario inedito di Adolf Emper (Ms. Leid. BPG 89, ff. 31-84v), Sulla regalità (Orr. 3-4) di Dione di Prusa – p. 95-145.
Abstract : Adolf K. W. Emper (Brunswick 1806-1844) inwards his unpublished commentary on the Dio’s of Prusa tertiary too 4th vox communication de Regno, offers a noteworthy contribution to the textual criticism of both orations, reviewing too discussing the opinions too the interpretations of scholars such I. I. Reiske, J. Geel too F. Jacobs.
Saberes y relatos del cuerpo en Las bodas de Filología y Mercurio de Marciano Capela – p. 147-162 (à paraître).

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