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Info Of Site Of Huge Fe Historic Menses Feast Celebration Institute On Orkney

Windwick Bay at South Ronaldsay, roughly the site of the massive cliff overstep feast held to a greater extent than than 1,700 years ago. PIC:

Archaeologists accept identified the site of a huge Iron Age feast on Orkney where to a greater extent than than 10,000 animals were cooked too eaten inwards a vast cliff overstep celebration. 

Tests accept shown that horses, cattle, blood-red deer too otters were on the card at the gathering to a higher house Windwick Bay, South Ronaldsay, to a greater extent than than 1,700 years ago.

Archaeologists from the University of the Highlands too Islands accept been working at The Cairns for several years. 

A large disclose of jewellery fragments too tools accept already been discovered at the site, where the remains of an Iron Age broch too metalworking site tin live on found, amongst recent radiocarbon tests carried out at a midden - or rubbish tip - nearby.

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